At the Ethan Allen Homestead Museum, we are committed to becoming as accessible as possible to all of our guests. This is an always on-going and evolving process, and it is not without difficulty as we have to balance our natural landscape, with the integrity of our historic structures, and our financial and institutional capabilities. We are always welcome for suggestions for improvement and assistance in achieving this goal of being able to fully serve ALL of our guests. For information on strategies we consider, and accessibility requirements, please follow the link below provided by the University of Vermont:
Our Staff and Volunteers are always willing to work with folks with mobility-needs, developmental disabilities, TBIs, communication difficulties, cognitive impairment, aphasia and any other requirements. If You communicate with us how we can best serve you, we will make it our priority!
Historic Site Areas:
Parking Lot
Our Parking Lot is dirt, and can get muddy. For your convience, we have two marked handicap parking spots on either side of the entrance ramp.
The Visitor Center
The Visitor Center is fully accessible via wheel chair, we do not have any automatic doors currently, but our staff and volunteers would be happy to assist if required. For our guests with mobility issues, we have one wheelchair for guest use, just ask our cashier for assistance.
Path to the Allen House
The path to the Allen House is crushed, packed gravel and is approximately 150 yards long. For guests with difficulty walking long distances, use of our wheel chair or other assistive device is recommended. Guests will often require assistance moving their wheel chairs or other assistive devices down this path. Again, our staff and volunteers are happy to assist.
Entrance to the Allen House
There is a ramp leading up to the Allen House that allows access to wheel chairs and walkers. We are unable to widen the doorways without compromising the structure. There are also ramps alongside the house that allow more access, and are within code.
Inside the Allen House
The Allen House is set up in an architectural design indigenous to the 1780s. As such, the interior is cramped, the doors narrow, and there are doorjambs that run the bottom of each doorway. Assistance may be required in this case, and as always our staff and volunteers are happy to help.
Visual or Hearing Impaired
Certain objects in the Allen House may be handled. Our Guides are more than willing to describe and let people handle these reproductions.
Our Guides are not fully trained in ASL, but text versions of our tours may be obtained prior to your tour.
We are always willing to working with anyone assisting guests with visual or hearing impairments.